Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To Kill A Mockingbird Journal 11

Summer went away and that meant Dill went away few days ago. Bob Ewell, a big trash, was bothering all the people that made him embarrassed. Atticus, Judge Taylor, and Helen Robinson were all on his list. Even Jem and I were on his little revenge list. The night of Halloween, I dressed in a Ham costume and went to the school with Jem. That night was extremely dark; there were no moon but full of clouds. We slowly walked towards the school, and were successfully scared by Cecil Jacob. It was fun in the night and soon the school is closing down. Dressed in my Ham costume, Jem and I slowly were heading home. It was even darker at this late. We heard someone’s foot steps behind us and thought it was Jacob who scared us once. I yelled to him, but he didn't answer me. Jem soon found out that danger is approaching us.
“Run” Jem suddenly yelled to me.
I heard him clearly but in my Ham costume, I was soon tripped by something and fell on the ground. I couldn't see anything when I got up, the only thing I could hear was random sound coming from Jem and another man’s voice. Soon, the sound settled and I heard footsteps and shouted to Jem, but he didn't answer me. I tripled and found home and found a man carried Jem into the house. Aunt Alexandra came out, looks anxious, she asked me if I am okay. I said yes and asked her what happened to Jem. I found Jem lying on the bed and Atticus said that his left arm was broken. I was shocked and found a stranger that I never seen before on the corner of the room. He looked pale and skinny. After settled Jem down, Atticus gathered us in the living room and told me what had happened. I told him all I know, but there wasn't a lot of useful information, because it was so dark and I couldn't see anything. With all the information me and Sheriff gave, we came to a conclusion that Bob Ewell was trying to kill me and Jem was killed accidentally by himself falling on his knife. Atticus questioned this conclusion, but Sheriff insisted on this conclusion. Sheriff stood up and introduced Arthur Radley to me who was the man standing on the corner of the room. I wasn't that surprised, maybe before Sheriff told me, I already predicted. After the meeting ended, I talked to Boo and walked with home to his house. When I was back, Atticus was reading to Jem. He read to me as well and slowly I felt sleepy and fell asleep.

To Kill A Mockingbird Journal 10

“Tom Robinson tried to escape the prison, and ended up with seventeen bullets holes in him” Atticus told us today when Aunt Alexandra brought all the women in Maycomb to have a party.
I wondered why is a black man was so hated by the whites. Did they do anything wrong or did they killed our mothers? They haven’t done anything bad to us, and instead of doing bad, they are helping us in the farms. I just don't understand.

To Kill A Mockingbird Journal 9

Today was the day of the trial, and as I expected, Atticus lost his first trial. We went to watch the trial and were surprised to find the whole town watching. We were luckily to find a space beside Reverend Sykes. The trial started with Heck describing Tom took an advantage of Mayella and beaten her. The most interesting part started when Atticus tested out that Mayella’s injuries could only be done by a left-handed person. Tom’s left hand was injured and could not use any power, so it was Bob Ewell who wrote his name using his left hand. Atticus was very professional and skilled, because he caught this left-hand evidence and held it tightly, but surprisingly when everyone thought that Atticus was at a win-win situation, he walked out the room and was respected by the black people for trying hard to defending Tom Robinson. I felt that everything is not right and this whole world is becoming more unfair to me, but I guess Atticus was feeling more misery.

To Kill A Mockingbird Journal 8

We just got back from the jail, and I felt extremely tired but I had to start this story few days ago when I found Dill under my bed. He skipped from his new family, took the train, and walked for a long distance to reach Maycomb. It was all good, until a lot of strangers met Atticus outside. I could hear that they are arguing about the Tom Robinson case. I felt something was wrong, and it did tonight when a mob surrounded Atticus in the jail. Luckily Jem, Dill, and I were following him and saved him just on time. When the mob was about to attack, me and jem rushed into the circle, the mob has formed. Mr.Cunningham was touched by my innocent and naïveté face, so we were able to walk out instead of climb out.

To Kill A Mockingbird Journal 7

Aunt Alexandra was at the front door today, when we got back from Cal’s church. The black Church wasn't much different with our church except they have no hymn book. They sang instead which I think it’s nice. When I thought Aunt Alexandra came for a visit, she was actually came to live with us for the mission of turning me into a real “WOMEN”. Our family became more lively, because she is stressing us so much. Well, I guess we just have to live with it.

To Kill A Mockingbird Journal 6

As Atticus insisted on defending for Tom Robinson, more and more people complained to him, which he ignored them all. He said that he is a lawyer, and he hates racial injustice. He is able to let the comments go, but I and jem felt very disturbing. Because of an impulsive action taken by Jem, he has to read to Mrs.Dubose everyday for a month including Saturdays. I went to Mrs.Dubose’s house everyday with Jem to take the punishment. Yesterday, we found out that Mrs.Dubose died. Atticus explained to me that she is a morphine addict, and she tries hard to live without it. With our help, she did it and she is a brave person. At least that's what I think.

To Kill A Mockingbird Journal 5

Yesterday, we went to the Finch’s Landing for the annual gathering, but it wasn't an enjoyable gathering. I absolutely hated Francis for making fun of Atticus as a Negro lover and Dill as a homeless. I struck him, which I regretted, but he blamed everything on me, and everyone believed him. I explained everything to Uncle Jack when we got home, and he finally believed. From this, I found that no one wants to listen to younger children, because they think we are young and stupid.